ตำแหน่ง: อาจารย์ประจำหลักสูตรศิลปศาสตรบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาอิสลามศึกษา หลักสูตรนานาชาติ
- Applied Linguistics - Teaching Arabic to non-native speakers - Training of Arabic teachers - Arabic curriculum design - Translation and translation studies - Training of translators - Child psychologyสมรรถนะอาจารย์ :
ห้องทำงาน : ชั้น 2 ศูนย์ทดสอบและพัฒนาทักษะภาษาอาหรับ
ปี | ระดับ | สาขาวิชา | สถาบัน |
2557 | ปริญญาเอก | Applied Linguistics (Arabic) | International University of Africa (IUA), Sudan |
2556 | ปริญญาโท | Translation (Arabic -English) | Islamic Institute of Translation, Sudan |
2547 | ประกาศนียบัตรบัณฑิต | Translation (Arabic-English) | Islamic Institute of Translation, Sudan |
2546 | ปริญญาโท | Arabic Language Teaching for Speakers of Other Languages | Khartoum International Institute of Arabic Language, Sudan |
2543 | ปริญญาตรี | Arts | University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka |
ปี | งานวิจัย |
2566 | Mohamed Irfan Peer Mohamed and Sarawut Saithong: "Contributing to the development of Arabic written expression skills among Thai Arabic language learners, in light of error analysis theory: A purposeful analytical study for students in southern Thai universities." |
ปี | บทความ |
2564 | 'Religiosity as A Mechanism to Reduce Violent Behaviour of School Children in Malaysia', '[Religions] (Manuscript ID: religions-1329833), (Religions 12: 823. https:// doi.org/10.3390/rel12100823) (co-author). |
2557 | "The Fundamentals of Choosing the Language Content of Arabic Teaching Programs to the Speakers of Other Languages: Application on the Series of International University of Africa for Teaching Arabic to Its Non-native Speakers" (Arabic), published in Al-Arabiyya li An-natiqeena Bi Ghairiha (Issue No: 18. June 2014), An Arabic Scientific Journal Specialized in Arabic Language Teaching to Its Non-native Speakers Published by Arabic Language Institute of the IUA. |
ปี | บทความ |
2563 | “Translation of Arabic Islamic terminology into Tamil: challenges and possible solutions”, 7th International Symposium - 2020. Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Oluvil, Sri Lanka. http://ir.lib.seu.ac.lk/handle/123456789/5117 |
2560 | “The Global Contribution of Muslims to Coexistence Throughout the History”, A symposium on ”Good Citizenship and Peaceful Coexistence, hosted by Faculty of Islamic Studies, Naleemiah Institute of Islamic Studies Society (NIISS), Sri Lanka, in collaboration of World Assembly of Muslim Youth. |
2560 | “Promoting Peaceful Coexistence and Development through Islamic Educational Curriculum: Arabic Lessons of Basic Education as an Effective Tool”, 4th International Islamic Studies Conference on “Islamic Education as a Driving Force for a Peaceful Coexistence and Development”, 24-26 July 2017, hosted by College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus, Thailand. |
2559 | “Addressing the Issues Related to Translation with the Experience of Arabic to Tamil Pair”, at the Research Symposium on Thought and Epistemology held by the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) with the collaboration of Islamic University of Maldives (IUM), 18-21 August 2016, in Maldives. |
2557 | "The Language Content of Arabic Teaching Program to the Speakers of Other Languages: Its Concept, Its Significance in Constructing the Language Efficiency, and the Fundamentals of Its Choosing", Cconference held on 9-11 September 2014, by the Centre for Languages and Arabic Language Test, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Prince Songkla University(PSU), Pattani, Thailand, on the theme of "Measuring the Efficiency in Arabic Language for the Speakers of Other Languages". |
2557 | "Teaching the Listening Skill through the Modern Means" (Arabic), Sub-regional workshop conducted by The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) in the period of 17-20 November 2014. |
ปี | หนังสือ/ตำรา |
2567 | Sixty years Between East and West by Dr. Ahamed Totonji. Tamil translation published by Fuzin Text 2024 (in press) (Translated Books) |
2567 | ‘110 Nasayih Li Thatbiyathi tiflin salih’ by Mujahid Ma’moon Deeraniyah. Tamil translation published by IBRT Academy of Languages, January 2024 ISBN: 978-624-6520-00-7 (Translated Books) |
2567 | ‘Qawarib An-Najat Fi Fayat Al-Duat’ by Fat-hi Yaken. Tamil translation published by Sheriffdeen Publishing, June 2024, ISBN: 978-624-99283-2-9 (Translated Books) |
2567 | ‘40 Hadiths on Social Media’ by Omar Usman. Tamil translation published by Seermai, April 2024 (1st edition January 2022), ISBN: 978-93-91593-17-9 (Translated Books) |
2565 | Easy Arabic Language for Beginners, Pattani Info Service Printing House, ISBN: 978-616-271-698-0. |
2560 | Arabic for Tourism in Thailand, Baitul Printing Publishers, ISBN: 978-616-271-398-9. |
ปี | รางวัล |
2554 | Won First Place in the scientific research competition titled as “Electronic Games and Their Impact on the Upbringing of Children” conducted by the Renaissance and Inter-cultural Communication Forum (Muntada el-Nahdha wa el Tawasul el-Hadhari) in Khartoum, within October-November 2011. |
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