Position: Lecturer, Islamic Studies International Program
- EFL - TEFL - Teacher's Language - Material & Resources in EFL - Socio-Cultural - Cross Cultural Differences.Teacher competence : Professional Teacher
Office : 5th floor, Islamic Studies International Program Room
Year | Level | Major | Institute |
2017 | Master's degree | English Education | The state University of Padang, Indonesia |
2013 | Bachelor's degree | English Education | STKIP ABDI Pendidikan Payakumbuh ,Indonesia |
Year | Research |
There is no recorded data. |
Year | Article |
2018 | Sari, Hesti Leviana., & Assalihee, M. (2018). Perceptions and Attitudes of Students in Teaching Islamic Studies toward the English Language. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 9(2), 15-21. |
Year | Article |
2020 | Sari,Hesti Leviana.et al (2020). Ziarah Rumah Kawan: Strengthening Ukhuwah Islamiyah among Millennials. The 5th National Conference on Islam and Muslim Studies 2021 (881-899).The 5th National Conference on Islam and Muslim Studies 2021. |
2019 | Sari, Hesti Leviana., (2019). Teacher Scaffolding Talk in English for Islamic Studies. The 4th National Conference on Islam and Muslim Studies 2019 (pp. 652-665).The 4th National Conference on Islam and Muslim Studies 2019. |
2019 | Sari, Hesti Leviana., &Kaba,A,(2019).Students’AbilityinWritingArgumentativeEssay: AnAnalytical Approach.Waehama ,Mohammadroflee, et.all (Eds.) ICON IMAD IX Institution of Higher Learning and Development of Islamic Civilization in the Malay World.International Conference on Islam in Malay World IX. ISBN: 978-616-271-548-8 |
2018 | Sari,Hesti Leviana.(2018).Islamic Education in Minangkabau:Surau to Thawalib Sumatera.Mohd Nor,Mohd Roslan, et.all (Eds.), Penyelidikan Serantau Islam dan Alam Melayu; Pemikiran, Falsafah, Dakwah,dan Kebudayaan(pp.57-62).International Conference on Islam in MalayWorld9.ISBN: 978-967-5534-80-5 |
Year | Book/Textbook |
There is no recorded data. |
Year | Award |
There is no recorded data. |
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