Position: Lecturer, Islamic Business Innovation
- Islamic Finance - Islamic Banking - Islamic Financial Literacy - Islamic Financial Inclusion - Islamic Wealth Management - Islamic Financial Technology - Financial DeepeningTeacher competence :
Office : 3rd floor, Islamic Business Innovation Program Room
Year | Level | Major | Institute |
2023 | Doctor of Philosophy | Islamic Finance | University of Bolton, United Kingdom |
2017 | Master's degree | Islamic Finance Practice (MIFP) | INCEIF University, Malaysia |
2012 | Bachelor of Economics (Hons) | Economics | HELP University, Malaysia |
Year | Research |
2023 | อศัส วรสูตร. (2566). A Critical Analysis of Islamic Financial Literacy and Islamic Financial Inclusion of Thai Muslims in the Five Southernmost Provinces of Thailand. (ทุนโครงการพัฒนาอาจารย์และบุคลากรสำหรับสถาบันอุดมศึกษาในเขตพัฒนาเฉพาะกิจจังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้) |
2017 | อศัส วรสูตรและฮายาตี่ เล็งนู. (2560). เรื่องมุมมองของมุสลิมในพื้นที่ 3 จังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้ต่อการมีบุตรก่อนวัยอันควร และการตั้งครรภ์โดยไม่พึงประสงค์ The Perception of Muslims in 3 Southernmost Provinces towards Having Babies at Young Age and Unwanted Pregnancy.(มูลนิธิสร้างสุขมุสลิมไทย - สสม.) |
Year | Article |
2016 | Takao Moriguchi, Mudeer Ahmed Khattak, Muhammad Farhan,Mohamad Firdaus, Asas Worasutr, Andi Lukman Hakim, Fikry Musthafa, Aishath Muneeza (2016) Contemporary Practices of Musharakah in Financial Transactions. International Journal of Management and Applied Research. ISSN 2056-757X. Volume 3*Number 2* (ระดับนานาชาติ), pp. 65-76. |
Year | Article |
2023 | Asas Worasutr. (2023). Driving Sustainable Innovation: Islamic Financial Literacy and Inclusion in the Five Southernmost Provinces of Thailand. University of Bolton Post Graduate Research Student Society Annual Conference 2023 (PGRSS2023) “Title: Higher Education Leading the Way for Innovation and Sustainability”. 27 July 2023 (Thursday). VENUE: Greater Manchester Business School, Bolton, United Kingdom (Paper 13). |
2023 | Asas Worasutr. (2023). Driving Sustainable Innovation: Islamic Financial Literacy and Inclusion in the Five Southernmost Provinces of Thailand. 6th Turin Islamic Economic Forum (6th TIEF) 22 November 2023 (Wednesday). VENUE: Online via Zoom, Turin, Italy (pp. 1-16). |
Year | Book/Textbook |
There is no recorded data. |
Year | Award |
2023 | University of Bolton Post Graduate Research Student Society Annual Conference, Bolton, United Kingdom. Best Presenter Award for the Business and Finance Session |
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